An Idea Is a Little Monster
An Idea Is a Little Monster
Famous writers and artists get asked about their ideas a lot. I feel sure I’ve read a few essays about having to respond to the “Where do you get your ideas?” question, which is, apparently a ubiquitous question for a successful writer.
For the record, I have never been asked this question. Though I have been asked the question that comes up at nearly every Q&A for actors in history which is, “How do you learn all those lines?”
I think I will know I have achieved a measure of success as a maker when someone finally asks me where my ideas come from. Obviously, they come from the idea store, where you can get a six pack of ideas for really cheap if you time it right. Ha! You know this isn’t true. I could never afford to buy my ideas!
For me, I’ve previously thought of ideas like glitter — and I stand by that concept but recently, I began to think of an idea I had as a little monster, demanding that I complete it.
It feels to me that some ideas, once they take hold, become tyrannical little demons. They’re not malevolent — just really persistent. They will not let me rest. Not all ideas are like that. Some are like butterflies that just sort of float around hoping someone will offer it a flower to land on. You can follow it if you like or let it fly on. But some ideas hook their claws into you and demand you complete them. They’re not full size monsters. They’re sort of cat sized and as unwilling to let you complete your regular work as a cat is. Wait, is the idea monster a cat? It’s close. But not quite. A cat will leave you when it gets bored. The idea monster will not get bored. It insists on itself vociferously. It WILL be completed. It will not be dissuaded by logic. You can tell it that no one cares about this idea, that it’s a waste of time, that it’s silly, that there’s no reason to do it — but it does not care. It wants to be realized. It will be realized. You might as well just go ahead and finish it if you want to get some sleep.
This makes it sound like the Idea Monster is a pest but the fact is, I’m never happier than when I’m in the hold of an idea monster. It is a persistent little bugger who captures my attention — but I love having it around. It’s an incredibly clarifying little creature. When we’re working together on something, there is nothing better, nothing more important. It is a little like a love affair.
When the idea is complete, the monster will vanish and I will miss it tremendously even if I do get a lot more sleep.
Anyway — I don’t know where the idea monsters come from but if anyone has a direct line to their place of residence, please tell them they are always welcome here.
This monster was the star of a video born from an idea monster. Monster circles!
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Originally published at on April 20, 2021.